Introducing Creative Elements into the Job Search Process

There is so much competition for jobs that job seekers have to find ways to differentiate themselves. And one way to do that is to introduce creative elements into the job search process. Simple ways could be creating a visual resume, or it could be developing a 30-60-90 day plan to woo the interviewer. By reading these top blog posts, you may be able to learn one or two things to apply to your job search.
Creating a 30-60-90 Day Plan: Do you hold the title of manager or above? Creating a 30-60-90 Day Plan is an effective tool to use in the final stages of the interview process to secure a job. A 30-60-90 Day Plan is a written outline of your strategy, and the plans you have for the first three months on the job. Get tips on how to create your own 30-60-90 Day Plan.
30-60-90 Day Plan: Things to Do in the First 30 Days of Your New Job: Although the act of starting a new job can also be overwhelming, especially if you are not quite sure of all the expectations, there are specific things that you can do in the first 30 days. And there are things that you can do before your first day.
30-60-90 Day Plan: Things to Do in the First 60 Days of Your New Job: You are off to a great start. Now that you have survived the first 30 days of your new job, what’s next? Whether it is a fair thing to do, the reality is that your new manager and peers form opinions about you based on how they perceive you the first three months. Discover the most important activities to perform during the first 60 days on the job.
30-60-90 Day Plan: Things to Do in the First 90 Days of Your New Job: You have started off strong in your new job and have successfully completed two months. You are finding real value in having invested the time to create a 30-60-90 Day Plan either during the interviewing process or together with your manager after you were hired. In the 90-Day section of the plan, you are now getting settled in the new job, and it is time to demonstrate that you contribute real value to the organization.
How to Use Visual Resumes in Your Job Search: The increased use of applicant tracking systems in the job search process makes it more difficult for job seekers to be creative. Visual resumes are not scannable, therefore applicant tracking systems cannot “read” them, but the job seeker can still use them creatively and effectively. You can use visual resumes to entice hiring managers and recruiters to take a closer look at your profile.
Tools and Guidelines to Create Visual Resumes: Although the field is still emerging, there are a few established tools and guidelines for creating effective visual resumes to stand out and land a job. It makes sense to experiment with the various tools to find the ones you are most comfortable working with that also satisfy your needs.
Visual Resumes: Using PowerPoint in Your Job Search: Using a PowerPoint presentation as a communication tool in your job search, adds a visual element, allowing you to stand apart from your peers. There are two approaches that are open to you when creating a PowerPoint presentation to use during job search – learn what they are.
